My new motto is "Be careful what you wish for"...
Why you ask? Because
And yesterday he was rolling over every chance he got. I would walk out of the room with him on his back, one minute later I return and he's triumphantly on his stomach. It was glorious!
And then last night happened. We did his bath time, read a few books, nursed... He's so tired and rubbing his eyes. Perfect timing as it is 658 and bedtime! But then the crying began. This is not normal for bedtime... daytime nap time? Yes, totally normal. Never for bedtime - this kid looks forward to bedtime. Whenever I put him down, he gives me a big gummy smile, his arms over his head and falls asleep in about 2 minutes with a contented sigh. After 10 minutes of listening to him cry, I asked my Big Man to go in, soothe him, but do NOT pick him up.
Big Man comes out and states, "I think we're going to have a problem." "What's that?" I ask innocently. Apparently he had rolled over. Yay! Or not. As we haven't mastered the art of rolling from stomach to back. No. Bueno.
An hour later, finally he was so tired I don't think he had the energy to roll over and he was asleep. Until 520 am when he woke up because.... He rolled over. Nooooooo! Don't roll over until you can roll back over. Sonofa.
So! Be careful what you wish for...
Enough story time: Looking for thoughts as to what to do regarding rolling over. I've read everything from let him cry it out and sleep on his stomach (SIDS is not as big a concern due to his strength and age now). Go in and roll him back over... yeah, except he rolls back over before my hands are even off his chest. Pick him up and nurse him again. Or, my favorite, "Go with your gut." ... My gut tells me to do all of those things and none of those things at the same time. Especially as my gut is exhausted.
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